Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Crown Tournament

Ave Calontirii Some brief announcements that may not yet have come to your ears.  Please feel free to forward far and wide.Our Crown Tournament will be held on October 9th in the Barony of Mag Mor.Unfortunately, this will conflict with this year’s Fall Gulf Wars XXX, so We will not be calling a muster for […]

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New Kingdom Reeve Needed

Greetings Calontir, We have decided to give an extension for letters of intent for the Kingdom Reeve position to August 20th. If you are interested or have any questions before sending in a letter, please do not hesitate to ask. All letters of intent should be sent to and It is a great honor to serve […]

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From the King and Queen:

Stalwarts of Calontir, Her Majesty and I want to thank you again for your stoic patience, and the steadfast care you have shown one another. Because of that patience and care we can now deliver some wonderful news.We are happy to announce that as of April 15th 2021 we may begin local meetings, once again, […]

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New Reeve Needed

Good day Calontir. My time as reeve grows short. As such, I am in need of a replacement to serve our Kingdom. If you are interested, please send an email to our seneschal at Deadline for interest is June 30, 2021. Thank you all that have tirelessly made events happen and for your unquestionable dedication. […]

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