Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Requesting Applicants for Kingdom Webminister

Greetings Calontir, We are seeking volunteers to serve as the next kingdom webminister. The webminister is responsible for maintaining the kingdom website, coordinating the efforts of the deputy webministers to maintain the email and database services, and for overseeing the creation and maintenance of local group websites.  Candidates should be comfortable with computer technology. Experience […]

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Requesting Letters for Eyas and Saker Herald

Greetings good gentles! The College of Heralds has two positions that need volunteers.  Caitilin inghean Ui Lochlainn’s term as Eyas Herald is nearing the end. My time as Saker Herald is winding down.  We are looking for volunteers that would be interested in serving the Kingdom and College in these two necessary and important positions. […]

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