Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Seeking New Kingdom List Minister

From your Kingdom List Minister, It comes time to look for a deputy Kingdom List Minister. The job’s sole purpose is to facilitate the execution of the tourney tree for Crown Tournament. Typically two years in service to the Crown and Kingdom Earl Marshall.  I’m hoping the deputy will take over the Kingdom List Minister […]

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Version 6 of QPT schedules.

There have been many changes in the past two days.  This will be the last schedule posted, but I can't guarantee that changes may not be needed tomorrow morning.  Thank you all for being so flexible.   QPT Entrant Schedule v6 QPT Judging Schedule v6 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Version 5 of QPT Schedule

The following entrants have changes to their judges, but not their time or table assignments.Gaius Flavius AuxiliusHelmut der AdlerKonall BosullLilyLuna di Catarino TofaniMabilia PalsSkallagrímr Bárðarson QPT Entrant Schedule v5 The following judges have changes to their schedule.    Andromir VukovicCearr Mac BrendanCharles VonStrausbergElynor of GlastonburyGwyneth EspicierIsengrim SleggjaIzza al ZarqaRoise inghean ui Rhauidhrie QPT Judging Schedule […]

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Version 4 of QPT Schedules

Hello, here is the most up-to-date version of the schedules for Queen's Prize.   QPT Entrant Schedule v4 QPT Judging Schedule v4 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Version 3 of Queen Prize Schedules

There have been several changes to the schedule. There have been no changes to Entrant judging times, but several judges have changed.   Entrant Schedule Version 3 Judges Schedule Version 3 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Entrant and Judging Schedules

Greetings  The schedules for the Queen's Prize are now published.  If you have any questions or need any changes please email me at  If you have entered a research paper, please email it to the master scheduler as soon as possible so it can be disturbed by your judges before the event.   I want to give a special thanks to all […]

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Queen’s Prize Entry Period Ends Soon

Greetings from your Arts and Science Master Scheduler There are two more days left to enter Queens Prize! Entry forms are open until  11:59 pm on April 19th.  We are always in need of Judges!  There is no award requirement to be a judge, just some knowledge of the subject matter.   Entry Submission Form – Traditional Queen's […]

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Deputy List Minister Needed

From your Kingdom List Minister, It comes time to look for a deputy Kingdom List Minister. The job’s sole purpose is to facilitate the execution of the tourney tree for Crown Tournament. Typically two years in service to the Crown and Kingdom Earl Marshall.  I’m hoping the deputy will take over the Kingdom List Minister […]

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Correct Mews

Good Morning Calontir! The correct version of the May Mews has been published.   Please take a look as there is important information around Crown Tournament letters of intent deadline and the format for the Tourney.  The request for letters to serve as the new Baronage for the Barony of the Lonely Tower, with deadlines for letters […]

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